Druva Status is a real-time, 24/7 health check of the Druva service. If you’re experiencing issues with Druva, please check this page for updates.
Updated a few seconds ago
Phoenix Cloud
Northern Virginia (us-east-1)
Northern California (us-west-1)
Oregon (us-west-2)
Sao Paulo (sa-east-1)
Ireland (eu-west-1)
Frankfurt (eu-central-1)
Tokyo (ap-northeast-1)
Singapore (ap-southeast-1)
Sydney (ap-southeast-2)
Montreal (ca-central-1)
Mumbai (ap-south-1)
London (eu-west-2)
Hong Kong (ap-east-1)
Paris (eu-west-3)
Stockholm (eu-north-1)
UAE (me-central-1)
Ohio (us-east-2)
Phoenix Gov Cloud
GovCloud (us-gov-west-1)
Each status update will POST a JSON payload to this URL
Email address for managing webhook